Chapter 5-6 First Aid, CPR, and AED Flashcards

Here is the set related to the Chapter 5-6 First Aid, CPR, and AED in the form of flashcards. Learn about Chapter 5-6 First Aid, CPR, and AED with the help of the flashcards method.

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

Cards In This Set

Front Back
A blockage, often the result of a foreign body, in which air flow to the lungs is reduced or completely blocked.
Airway obstruction
Stoppage of the heart
Cardiac Arrest
A concept involving five critical links to help improve survival from cardiac arrest.
Chain of survival
Depressing the chest and allowing it to return to its normal position as part of CPR.
Chest compression
The act of providing chest compression and rescue breaths for a victim with cardiac arrest.
CPR/Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Death of part of the heart muscle.
Heart attack
Device capable of analyzing the heart rhythms and providing a shock.
AED/Automated external defibrillator
The electrical shock administered by an AED to reestablish a normal heart rhythm.