Surgery Chapter 50

Chapter 50

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Surgery that is not essential , performed on a basis of the clients choice (bunionectomy, facial plastic surgery, hernia repair , breast reconstruction)
Elective surgery
Surgery that relieves symptoms of a disease without producing a cure (colostomy, debridment of necrotic tissue, resection of nerve roots)
Palliative surgery
Surgery that is necessary for the clients health and may prevetn other problems (excision of cancerous tumor, removal of gallblatter stones. coronary aartery bibass)
Urgent surgery
Removal of organs from a client who is brain dead (kidney heart or liver transplant)
Procurement for transplant
Surgery that poses great risks to the clients well being , extensive reconstrusction or alteration in body parts, (coronary artery bipass, colon resection removal of larynx resection of lung lobe)
Major surgery
Surgery to remove a diseased body part
(amputation, removal of appendix)
Ablative surgery
Surgery performad to improve personal appearance (rhynoplasty to reshape nose, bleforoplasty to correct eyelid performance)
Cosmetic surgery
Surgery that must be done immideatly to save the clients life (repair of preforated appendix, repair of tramatic amputation, control of internal hemmoraging_))
Emergency surgery
Routinely used for procedures that do not require complete anastesia but rather a depressed level of conciousness ....Administration of central nervous system depressant drugs and/or analgesics to supplement topical, local, or regional anesthesia during surgical or diagnostic procedures.
Conceous sedation
Loss of sensation at the desired site of action.
Local anastesia
Loss of sensation in an area of the body supplied by sensory nerve pathways.
Regional anastesia
Immobile quiet client that does not remember the procedure
General anastesia
Segmantal skin areas inervared by specific segmants of the spinal cord...Area on the surface of a body innervated by afferent fibers from one spinal root.
Period of recovery after an illness, injury, or surgery.
An allergy to latex and products containing latex.
Latex sensitivity