Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Terms from Networking in CNST 110 Flashcards

What do you know about networking? If you are working in a business position, these terms will help you to understand networking better. An algorithm is a collection of rules and decisions for actions in specifically defined circumstances. Most people follow algorithms every day. One typical example of an algorithm is following a recipe, which entails the following instructions. Read and study these helpful flashcards and take the quiz to put your knowledge to the test.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Intel and AMD both recommend a ____ air guide as part of the case design.
Correct Answer: chassis
____ loses its data rapidly, and the memory controller must refresh it several thousand times a second.
Selected Answer: DRAM
____ is used for a memory cache and is contained within the processor housing.
Correct Answer: SRAM
A Rambus memory module is called a(n) ____.
Selected Answer: RIMM
Processors can sense their operating temperatures and report that information to ____.
Selected Answer: BIOS
____ hold counters, data, instructions, and addresses that the ALU is currently processing.
Selected Answer: Registers
RAM on motherboards today is stored on ____.
Selected Answer: DIMM's
Intel’s ____ allows each logical processor within the processor package to handle an individual thread in parallel with other threads being handled by other processors within the package.
Selected Answer: Hyper-Threading
When Windows does not have adequate memory to perform an operation, it gives a(n)
“____” error or it slows down to a painful crawl.
Correct Answer: insufficient memory
Installing more than one processor on a motherboard creates a ____.
Selected Answer: multiprocessor platform
If a power-on password has been forgotten, you can use the BIOS ____ to reset the password.
Selected Answer: jumper group
Intel’s current families of processors for the desktop include four major groups: ____.
Selected Answer: the Core, the Pentium, the Celeron, and the Atom families
If you have a computer using Rambus memory, what do you put in all the unused slots?

Correct Answer: CRIMM
The temperature inside the case should not exceed ____ degrees C.
Correct Answer: 38
Laptops use a smaller version of a DIMM called a(n) ____.
Correct Answer: SODIMM