Chapter 4 : Human Population

Envi Sci  

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Population in 1800
1 billion
Population in 1930
2 billion
Population in 1960 (Max growth rate)
3 billion (doubled in 40 years)
Population in 2000
6 billion
Malthus Perspective on Population Growth
Populations always grow exponentially, and thus outstrip resources--which leads to social decline
Marx Perspective on Population Growth
Population growth is promoted by social ills (poverty, pollution..)
What is the role of technology in human populations
Its increases human carrying capacity
Vital statistics about people
I=PAT Forumla
Countrys Impact = Population, Affluence, and technology
Crude Birth Rate (natility)
Number of births in a year per thousand people
Total Fertility Rate
# of children born to an average woman in a population during her entire repoductive life
Zero Population Growth
Births + immigration = deaths + emmgiration
Crude Death Rates
Number of deaths per thousand people in a year
Life Expectancy
Average age that a newborn infant can expect to reach
Dependency Ratio
Number of nonworking/ working individuals