Chapter 4 Anxiety

Chapter 4 notes on the different Anxiety's. This should help me get an A on my test next week.

109 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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If I feel that a threat is being made to my well being to my person I am experiencing fear!
But if I sense that I am in danger I am only experiencing anxiety!!!!
What are the 6 types of Anxiety disorders?
1. Generalized anxiety disorders2. phobias 3. panic disorder4. obsessive - compulsive disorder5. acute stress disorder6. post-traumatic stress disorder
True/FalseWomen experience generalized anxiety more than men in 2:1?
How long do symptoms of free floating anxiety last?
6 months
What is free floating anxiety?
People experience anxiety on almost any level in any situation
What are the 5 types of treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
1. Sociocultural2. Psychodynamic3. Humanistic4. Cognitive5. Biological
What does the Sociocultural say about anxiety?
That stressful environments can cause anxiety most commonly Poverty is the most powerful forms of environments.
True/falseBlacks being poorer than whites they are naturally more prone to anxiety?
True/falseMen are more prone to stressing out and anxiety?
False black woman are the highest rate 6.6%
Have Latinos shown any increase in anxiety due to poverty?
No but they have experienced nerves (nervous) with symptoms usually emotionally
So why do people not living in poverty have anxiety?
Not sure does not explain it :)
During Psychodynamic perspective says that during a child's development they experience 3 types of anxiety. What are they?
1. Realistic Anxiety 2. Neurotic Anxiety 3. Moral Anxiety
What kind of defense do children usually use?
Ego Defense mechanisms to suppress the ID impulses, so they won't feel pain of the past
How is Realistic Anxiety caused?
It is when a child feels actual danger that they are experiencing realistic anxiety. Also it's realistic because its not a subconscious thing or a psychological aspect.