Chapter 3 Personality, Perception, and Attribution

Chapter 3 Personality Perception and Attribution

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Individual differences
The way in which factors such as skills, abilities, personalities, perceptions, attitudes, values, and ethics differ from one individual to another
Interactional psychology
The psychology approach that emphasizes that in order to understand human behavior, we must know something about the person and situation
A relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individuals behavior
Trait theory
The personality trait that state that in order to understand individuals, we must break down behavior patterns into a series of observable traits
Integrative approach
The broad theory that describes personality as a composite of an individuals psychological processes
Locus of control
A persons belief about internal control (self control) versus external control (control by the situation or control by others)
General self efficacy
A persons belief that he or she is capable of meeting job demands in a wide variety of situations
Self esteem
A persons feeling of self worth
Self monitoring
The extent to which people base their behaviors on cues from other people and situations
Positive affect
A persons tendency to accentuate the positive aspect of himself, other people, and the world in general
Negative affect
A persons tendency to accentuate the negative aspect of himself, other people and the world in general
Strong situation
A situations that overwhelms the effects of individuals personalities by providing strong cues for appropriate behavior
Projective test
A personality test that elicits an individuals response to abstract stimuli
Behavioral measures
Personality assessments that involve observing a persons behavior in a controlled situation
Self report questionnaire
A common personality assessment that involves a persons response to a series of questions