Business Chapter 3 Competing in Global Markets Flashcards

Here is a set of flashcards based on Business Chapter 3 Competing in Global Markets. Get the best knowledge regarding Business Chapter 3 Competing in Global Markets with the help of Flashcards. Learn and remember Business Chapter 3 Competing in Global Markets with ease and fun with flashcards. Learn with Fun and Grow.

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What is absolute advantage?
It means that a country has the ability to produce a particular good or service using fewer resources (and therefore at a lower cost) than another country.
Ex. Zambia has an absolute advantage over many countries in the production of copper due to its copper ore reserves.
What kind of products can be imported and exported?
Just about any kind of product can be imported or exported
What terms are important in understanding world trade?
Exporting is selling goods and services.Importing is buying goods and services from other countries.The balance of trade is the relationship of exports to imports.The balance of payments is the balance of trade plus other money flows such as tourism and foreign aid.Dumping is selling products for less in a foreign country than in your own country.Trade protectionism is the use of government regulations to limit the importation of products.
What are some ways in which a company can get involved in global business?
Ways of entering world trade include exporting, licensing (which includes franchising), manufacturing, joint ventures and strategic alliances, and direct foreign investment.
How do multinational corporations differ from other companies that participate in global business?
Unlike other companies that are involved in exporting or importing, multinational corporations also have manufacturing facilities or some other type of physical presence in different nations.
Why should nations trade with other nations?
1) no country is self-sufficient2) other countries need products that prosperous countries produce3) natural resources and technological skills are not distributed evenly across the world
What is the theory of comparative advantage?
The theory argues that a country should make and then sell those products it produces most efficiently but buy those it cannot produce efficiently.
What are some of the forces that can discourage participation in global business?
- Sociocultural (religion)- Economic (disposable income) - Rules and Regulatory (law on bribery)- Technological (internet usage)
What is trade protectionism?
The use of government regulation to limit the import of goods and services. Advocates believe that it allows domestic producers to survive and grow, producing more jobs. The key tools of protectionism are tariffs, import quotas, and embargoes.
What are tariff and non-tariff barriers?
Tariffs are taxes on foreign products. There are two kinds of tariffs:1) Protective tariffs: designed to raise the retail price of imported products so that domestic products will be more competitively priced 2) Revenue tariffs: used to raise money for the government, commonly used by developing countries.
Non-tariff barriers include safety, health, and labeling standards.
What are some examples of trade organizations that try to eliminate trade barriers and facilitate trade among nations?
The WTO replaced the GATT. The purpose of the WTO is to mediate trade disputes among nationsThe IMF is an international bank that makes short-term loans to countries experiencing problems with their balance of trade. The World Bank is a United Nations agency that borrows money from more prosperous countries and lends it to less-developed countries to develop their infrastructures.
What countries offer opportunities for Canadian businesses?
Expanding markets such as China, India, and Russia.
What is outsourcing and how have companies used this business strategy?
Outsourcing is the purchase of goods and services form outside a firm rather than providing them inside the company. It has been a large part of business for many years. Today, more businesses are outsourcing manufacturing and services offshore.