Chapter 28, Lophotrochozoans

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
What is this?What phylum does it belong to?Which class does it belong to and why?What type of parasite is it?What type of symmetry does it have?Reproductive parts?How do you get tapeworm?
TapewormPlatyhelminthes (Platy=flat, helminth=worm)Cestoda: parasitic, lack a digestive tract so totally depends on the host, require 2 hosts (diff stages of life), and most of their life in intestineEndoparasite (inside parasite)BilateralHermaphroditic (both M&F)Undercooked meat containing eggs
Question 2
What is this?What phylum does it belong to?Which class does it belong to and why?What other species belong to that class?What type of symmetry does it have?Where do they live?
SnailMolluscaGastropoda (gastro=stomach, poda=foot), shell is one piece univalave or none at all. well developed heads with tentacles and eyesGastropoda: snails, abalone, whelks, limpets, slugs, nudibranchsbilateral Some in the water (marine and fresh), some on land
Question 3
What is this image of?What features do all the members of Lophotrochozoans have in common?
A cladogramBilaterally symmetrical animals, protostomes (mouth from blastopore), presence of a horseshoe-shaped crown of ciliated tentacles (lophophores), and 2 tiny translucent top-shaped ciliated larvae (trochophores).
Question 4
Well Known:What are Platyhelminthes? What are Rotifera?What are Mollusca?What are Annelida?
Platyhelminthes: flatworms such as planarians, flukes and tapewormsRotifera: Rotifers (freshwater organisms with a sac-like body)Mollusca: Chitons, limpets, slugs, snails, whelks, abalones, nudibranchs, oysters, scallops, octopiAnnelida: Segmented worms such as earthworm, leeches, tubiflex worms, sandworms, parchment worms, bloodworms
Question 5
Lesser Known:What are Acanthocephala?What are Gastrotricha?What are Bryozoa?What are Entoprocta?What are Brachiopoda?What are Nemertea?
Acanthocephala: Thorny-headed wormsGastrotricha: Spiny aquatic oranismsBryozoa: Moss animalsEntoprocta: EntoproctsBrachiopoda: LampshellsNemertea: Ribbon worms
Which are the 4 classes of platyhelminthes? Give examples.
1. Tubellaria - marine flatworms, brightly colored2. Cestoda - endoparasitic tapeworms3. Trematoda - endoparasitic flukes such as liver/blood fluke4. Monogenea - ectoparasitic flatworms of fish
What are the 6 classes of mollusks? Give examples.
1. Polyplacophora - chitons 2. Monoplacophora - oragnisms with a cap-like shell3. Gastropoda - snails, abalone, whelks, limpets, slugs and nudibranchs4. Cephalopoda - Octopi, squid, cuttlefish, nautiluses, fossil ammonites5. Bivalva - clams, oysters, mussels, scallops6. Scaphopoda - tusk shells
What are the 3 classes of annelida? Give examples.
1. Polychaeta - marine worms such as sand worms2. Hirudinea - leeches3. Oligochaeta - marine and terrestrial worms such as the earthworm
Question 9
What is this??!?What phylum does it belong to?Where do they live?Do I need to know anything else?
A lampshellBrachiopodaIn the oceanNo.
Question 10
What is this?What phylum does it belong to?Which class does it belong to and why?What other species belong to that class?What type of symmetry does it have?What type of parasite is this?Good features to know?
Answer 10
Liver flukePlatyhelminthes Trematoda - parasitic flukesLung flukes, blood flukes, intestinal flukes etcBilateralEndoparasite (although some ectoparasites exist)Specialty glands for penetration or cyst formation, suckers/hooks for attaching, mouth at the head, ability to produce an enormous number of offspring
Question 11
What is this?What phylum does it belong to?Which class does it belong to and why?What type of symmetry does it have?Reproductive parts?
A planarianPlatyhelminthes Turbellaria: brightly colored, free living (non parasitic) marine flatwormBilateralHermaphrodite (but do not self-fertilize)
Question 12
What is this?What phylum does it belong to?What is the outer covering of the foot called?What is the terminal part of the intestine called?What type of symmetry does it have?acoelomate, pseudocoelomate or coelomate? Monoecious or dioecious?
Answer 12
RotiferRotiferaCuticleCloacaBilateralpseudocoelomate (having a false coelom or body cavity)Dioecious (having M&F parts in separate organisms)
Question 13
What is this?What phylum does it belong to?What class does this belong to?acoelomate, pseudocoelomate or coelomate? Monoecious or dioecious?Lungs or gills
Answer 13
Chiton MolluscaPolyplacophora - 8 dorsal platesCoelomatedioeciousgills
What do all members of the Mollusca phylum have in common?
Basic body plan:1)head-foot region containing the head portion as well as the feeding and locomotor structures2)visceral-mass region containing the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and reproductive systemsALL ARE COELOMATESMajority have an open circulatory system (blood not contained in vessels), but cephalopods such as octopus have a closed circulatory systemBreathe using gills or lungs, have a radula which is like a tongue for licking algae off of thingsMost molluscs are dioecious
What do all members of the Platyhelminthes have in common?
Flat, ensuring large surface areabilaterally summetrical, triploblastic (arising from ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm), and they are all acoelomates. Many are monoeciuos, but cross fertilize (hermaphrodites but they cannot fertilize themselves)Lack respiratory/circulatory systems - gas exchange through diffusion (hence the large surface area needed)