Health Assessment Chapter 25

Key words in chapter 25: Health Assessment

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Adventitious breath sounds
Abnormal breath sound heard over the lungs
Act of listening for sounds with stethoscope within the body
Bronchial sounds
Those heard over the trachea; high in pitch and intensity, with expiration being longer than inspiration
Bronchovesicular sounds
Normal breath sounds heard over the upper anterior chest and intercostal area
Unusual sound, usually abnormal, heard in auscultation
Comprehensive assessment
Health hx and complete physical examination; provides a baseline for comparing later assessment
Bluish coloring of the skin and mucous membranes in response to inadequate oxygenation
A collection of blood in subcutaneous tissues; looks purple
Accumulation of fluid in extracellular spaces
Emergency assessment
Rapid focused assessment conducted to determine potentially fatal situations
Localized redness of the skin from fever, infection, trauma, allergic reaction, inflammation, sunburn
Focused assessment
Assessment conducted to assess a specific problem; focuses on pertinent history and body regions
Purposeful and systematic observation
Yellow appearance of the skin; may indicate GB or liver disease
Ongoing partial assessment
Assessment conducted at intervals; concentrates on identified health problems to monitor changes and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions