Math Chapter 2 Test 2

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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When identifying the intervals for increasing, decreasing, and constant, which variables do we focus on?
The x's
because we are looking from left to right
mark the changes on the x-axis
Question 2
When is a graph increasing?
Answer 2
The picture is rising (as you move from left to right)
When is a graph decreasing?
Answer 3
The picture is "falling" (as you move from left to right)
When is a graph constant?
Answer 4
The picture doesn't change (as you move from left to rignt)
What is the sentence for Relative Maximum/Minimum?
Relative (maximum/minimum) of (y-value) when x = (x value)
What is a relative maximum?
The highest point in a region. (a hill)
What is a relative minimum?
The lowest point in a region. (a valley)
Question 8
What is the equation for this graph?
Y = x
Question 9
What is the equation for this graph?
Y = x2
Question 10
What is the equation for this graph?
Y = /x (square root of x)
Question 11
What is the equation for this graph?
Y = 1/x
How do you find the solution for (f <> g) (#) when <> is addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?
Find f(#)
Find g(#)
Then perform the operation <> on the two answer
How is the domain of f/g different from f+g, f-g, or fg?
The domain if f/g is the domain of the others minus all the numbers where g(x) = 0.
How do you evaluate (fog)(#)?
Find g(#).
Then plug the answer from above into f.
The answer from the second step is the answer to the question.