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What is one of the most important areas of business today?
Building relationships- strong relationships associated with organizational sucess
Stakeholder framework
Helps identify internal and external stakeholders
helps monitor and respond to needs, values, and expectations of stakeholder groups |
Cooporate goverance
The formal system of accountabilty and control of ethical and socially responsible behavior
Those who have a stake or claim in some aspect of a company's products, operations, markets, industry, and outcomes
customers, employees, government agencies, investors, suppliers, communities |
Primary stakeholders
Those whose continued association is necessary for a frim's survival
employees, customers, investors, goverment, and communities |
Secondary Stakeholders
Are not essential to a company's survivl
media, trade associations, and special interest groups |
A Stakeholder Orientation
The degree to which a firm understands and adress stakeholder demands
1. generation of data about stakeholder groups 2. distributiion of the information throughout the firm 3. Organization's reponsiveness to this intelligence |
Social Resposibility
An organization's obligation to mazimize positive impacet on stakeholders and to minimize its negative impact
4 levels of social responsiblity 1. ecenomic- maximizing stakeholdre wealth/ and or value 2. legal- abiding by all laws and goverment regulations 3. Ethical- following standards of ethical behavior as judged by stakeholders 4. Philanthropic- giving back to society |
Cooporate Citizenship
The extent to which business stragically meet their ecenomic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsilbities
4 interlated dimensions 1. strong sustained economic performance 2. Rigourous Compliance 3. Ethical actions beyond what is legally required 4. Voluntary contributions to advance reputation and stakeholder commitment. |
One of an organizations greatest intangiable assets with tangible values
1. difficult to quanitify 2. very important |
Corporate Governace
Formal systems of accountability, oversight. and control
accountability- how closely workplace decisions align with a firm's strategic direction oversight- a system of checks and balances to minimize opporunites of misconduct control- the process of auditing and imporiving prganizational decisions and actions |
Sharholder model
Founded in classic ecenomic concepts
the maximization of wealth for investors and owners |
Stakeholder model
A broader view of the purpose of business
includes satisfying the concerns of stakeholders |
Board of directiors
Holds final responsilibity of its firm's sucess, failurs, and ethicality of actions
- increased demands for accountability/ transparency - trend toward "outside directors" chosen for expertise, competence, and strategic decision making - executive compensation is a growing convern- how executives are compensated for their leadership |
Today what to stakeholders demand
That boards are answerable for their actions and transarent.
- directors chosen for expertise, competence, and diverse persectives - qualified, knowledgeable, unbiased boards can prevent misconduct interlocking directorated- board members linked to more than one company- not illegal unless it involves a direct compeitior |