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Barba, -ae
F. beard
Caro, carnis
F. meat, flesh
Herba, -ae
F. plant
Pellis, pellis
F. skin, hide
Proelium, proelii
N. battle, combat
Vestimentum, vestimenti
N. garment, (pl.) clothes
Vulnus, vulneris
N. wound
Hic, haec, hoc
This; (pl.) these
Ille, illa, illud
That; (pl.) those
Ferox, ferocis
Fierce, ferocious
Terribilis, terribile
Coquo, coquere
Coxi, coctum to cook
Cresco, crescere
Crevi, ---- to grow
Sano, sanare
Sanavi, sanatum to heal
Sedeo, sedere
Sedi, sessum to sit