Chapter 15 - Cognitive Disorders and Disorders Related to Aging

Abnormal Psyc hology C

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Cognitive disorders
A class of psychological disorders characterized by impairment in cognitive abilities and daily functioning in which biological causation is either known or presumed
A disturbance of sensory perception, usually affecting visual perception
Profound deterioration of mental functioning, characterized by impaired memory, thinking, judgment, and language use.
Senile dementias
Forms of dementia that begin after age 65
Presenile dementias
Forms of dementia that begin at or before age 65
Amnestic disorders
Disturbances of memory associated with inability to learn new material or recall past events or personal information
Retrograde amnesia
Loss or impairment of ability to recall past events
Anterograde amnesia
Loss or impairment of ability to form or store new memories
Decreased supply of oxygen to the brain or other organs.
The development of an infarct, or area of dead or dying tissue, resulting from the blocking of blood vessels normally supplying the tissue
Korsakoff's syndrome
A syndrome associated with chronic alcoholism that is characterized by memory loss and disorientation (also called alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder).
Wernicke's disease
A brain disorder, associated with chronic alcoholism, characterized by confusion, disorientation, and difficulty maintaining balance while walking
Loss of muscle coordination
Alzheimer's disease
A progressive brain disease characterized by gradual loss of memory and intellectual functioning, personality changes, and eventual loss of ability to care for oneself.
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
A stroke, or brain damage resulting from a rupture or blockage of a blood vessel supplying oxygen to the brain