Chapter 1-2 First Aid, CPR, and AED

Educational material

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Failure to continue first aid until relieved by someone with the same or a higher level of training.
Doing something that a reasonably prudent person would not do under the same or similar circumstances.
Act of commission
Failure to do what a reasonably prudent person with the same or similar training would do in the same or similar circumstances.
Act of omission
Touching a person or providing first aid without consent.
When a first aider fails to provide the type of care that would be given by a person having the same or similar training.
Breach of duty
An agreement by the patient or victim to accept treatment offered as explained by medical personnel or first aiders.
A person's responsibility to provide victim care.
Duty to act
Permission for care that a victim gives verbally or with a head nod.
Expressed consent
Immediate care given to an injured or suddenly ill person.
First aid
Laws that encourage people to voluntarily help an injured or suddenly ill person by minimizing the liability for errors made while rendering emergency care in good faith.
Good Samaritan laws
An assumed consent given by an unconscious adult when emergency lifesaving treatment is required.
Implied consent
Deviation from the accepted standard of care that results in further injury to the victim.
Infections transmitted through the air, such as tuberculosis.
Airborne diseases
Infections transmitted through the blood, such as HIV or HBV.
Bloodborne diseases
A disease that can spread from person to person, or form animal to person.
Communicable disease