Chapter 12 Education Flashcards

Learn and Study about Chapter 12 Education, Practice with our flashcards. Learn key terms, words, definitions, and much more with our flashcard quizzes. Attempt these simple quizzes based on Chapter 12 Education and Interests with ease and grow.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 201

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Most students with heaing loss attend
Regular elementary and secondary schools
The prevalence of visual impairments has changed some in recent years, During the 2005-2006 school year___ school-aged students with visual impairments were served under IDEIA
Viewing hearing loss not as a disability but as a common characteristic among a group of individuals is
A belief of members of the Deaf Culture
According to IDEIA under category would cerebral palsy be classified?
Orthopedic impairment
When descriving how each visual impairment is unique, you shared with your class that _______refers to small minority of people who are unable to see anything including objects or light sources and ________are those people with visual acuity in the range 20/70 to 20/200 who are difficuldy with vision even with corrective lenses,
Total blindness and low vision
The role of the interpreter is to
Facilitate communication
In your classroom, you have a student who is totally blind, in order to read, the student uses____a system of embossed raised dots that the student can feel with the tips of his finger
A person with normal hearing may have a loss in one or one or both ears of
0-15 decibels
The most widely used reading accomodation for students with visual impairments is
Large Print
Spina bifida is a
Neurological impairment
Myopia and hyperopia are visual impairments caused by:
Refractive errors
Physical disabilities and health impairments caused by traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury are:
Which term descrives an individual who, with the best possible correction in the better in the better eye, has a measured visual acuity of 20/200 or worse or a visual field restricted to 20 degrees or less?
Legal blindness
To promote the literacy development of his students with traumatic brain injury, Devinuses Veclro vests with new symbos added to represent actions, and feelingts dealing with the characters in a story
Interactive stories
Teaching a student with low vision how to get from home to school independently is an example of:
Mobility Skill