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A good, service, or an idea received in an exchange
Tangible physical entity
An intangible result of the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects
A concept, philosophy, image or issue
Included in product
Supporting services, installation, guarantees, promises of repair
Can be intangible or tangible, includes function social and psychological utilities and benefits
Total product
Core product, supplemental features, its symbolic or experiential value
Core product
Easy to identify-consists of the fundamental utility or main benefit-addresses the basic need of the consumer
Supplemental features
Provided the added value or attributes in addition to the core benefit (installation, delivery, training, financing)-helps differentiate the product brand-required for product to function effectively-ritz carlton
Symbolic and experiential benefits
Products often carry symbolic meaning-shopping experience can provide benefit (build-a-bear)-buyers purchase the benefits and satisfaction they think the product with provide (rolex)
Consumer products
Products purchased to satisfy personal and family needs
Business products
Products bought to used in a frim's operations to resell, or to make other products
Business products
Satisfy the goals of the organizations
Consumer products
Satisfy their personal wants
The buyer's intent or the ultimate use of the product
Determines whether an item is classified as a consumer or business product