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Refers to the overall condition of a persons body or mind, and to the presence or absence of injury
--health differs based on some factors outside of your control, like age, genetics, and family history
Refers to ultimate health and vitality
--determined by the way you live
6 dimensions of wellness
- physical
Occupational wellness
- suggested 7th area of wellness, our daily work has considerable effect on our health and wellness-- levels of hapiness or satisfaction can be determined by financial wellness because financial securtity provides peace of mind
Leading causes of death in US
-heart disease
Healthy people initiative
-the healthy people initiative hopes to improve quality of life and prevent disease
--2010: broad goals
---- improve quality and years of healthy life
-----eliminate health disparities among Americans
Behaviors that contribute to Wellness
- eating healthy
- be physically active
- maintain healthy body weight
- manage stress effectively
- avoid tobacco and drug use and limit alcohol consumption
- protect yourself from disease and injury
LIfestyle management
- examine health habits
- determine target behavior
- learn about target behavior
- take advantage of available recources
Building motivation to change
- look at pros and cons of changing
-Boost self- efficacy through:
----locus of control
----visualization and self talk
----role models and supportave individuals
-identify and overcome key barriers to change
Theoretical Model for Behavior change
-precontemplation: no thoughts of change
-contemplation: change occur in 6 months
- planning; change to occur within 1 month
-action: change occurs
- maintence: change occurs for 6 months
-termination; end of stage process
How to create a personal plan for change
1.monitor behavior and gather data
2. analyze data and identify patterns
3. set realistic, specific, measurable goals
4. devise a strategy or plan of action
5. make a personal contract
Putting your plan into action- barriers
-social influences
-levels of motivation and commitment
-choices of techniques and level of effort
-stress barriors
-procrastinating, rationalizing, and blaming
How to achieve being fit and well in life
-first attempts may only involve begining stages of change
-do not expect to master everything quickly and with ease
-always assume that health improvement is forever
- take one simple problem first, handel more difficult later