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Whois Lookup
Whois databases are maintained by Regional Internet Registries and contain the personal information of domain owners.
Traceroute Analysis
Attackers conduct traceroute to extract information about: network topology, trusted routes and firewall locations.
Google Hacking Techniques
A term that refers to the art of crearting complex search engine queries. It detects websites that are vulnerable to numerous exploits and vulnerabilities. It uses Google operators to locate specific strings of text within the search results
Shows the version of the web page that Google has cached
Lists web pages that have links to the specified web page
Lists web pages that are "similar" to specified web page
Will present some information that Google has about that web page
Google restricts the results to websites in the given domain
Google restricts the results to those with all of the query words in the title
Google restricts the results to documents containing the words in the title
Google restricts the results to those with all of the query words in the url
Google restricts the results to documents containing that word in the url
SYN (Synchronize)
Used to initiate a connect beween hosts
ACK (Acknowledgement)
Used to aknowledge the receipt of a packet
PSH (Push)
Used to instruct the sending system to send all buffered data immediately