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Asthma triggers
URIenvironmental inhalationexercise
Chest tightnesscoughdyspneawheezingcracklesincreased RR
S/S of Asthma
Pulseless Paradoxus
Decreased HR on inspiration, increased HR with exhalationpresent in asthma
Peak flow meter values
<40% is severe40-60% is moderate70-90% , use inhaler
Stop nebulizer if
HR increases by 20bpm
Asthma teaching
Wash bedding in hot waterstay inside with AC during early AM and midday
Short acting beta agonists for asthma Mechanism =SE =Examples =
Mechanism= bronchodilationSE = increased HRExamples = Epinepherine, racemic epiAlbuterolSalmeterolLevabuterol
Anticholenergics for asthma Mechanism=Examples = SE =
Limits mucous secretionInhibits bronchial smooth muscle contractionSE = increased HRdry mouthblurred visionpupil dilation Atrovent / Ipratopium
Corticosteroids for asthma Mechanism=Examples =
Anti-inflammatory in airway, inhibits mucous production SolumederolDexamethasonePednesoneMethylprednesolone
SOBincreased HRincreased RR
coughdiaphoresisfeverchest pain
S/s Pulmonary embolism
Labs for Pulmonary embolism
+ D-dimerBNPincreased ESR
Difinitive DX for PE
V/Q scan
Treatment for PE
O2AnticoagulantsVasopressorsFibrinolytics/ThrombolyticsIV fluids
Wells score
Critera for liklihood of PE6 is high, 3 is moderate 3 - DVT symptoms3 - PE is # Dx1.5 - HR >1001.5 - immobilization or surgery in past 4 weeks1.5 - Hx of PE1 - Hemophysis1 - Malignancies
PERC - Pulmonary embolism rule out criteria
Pretest probability so no further testing is required No hormone use, <50 y/oNo DVT / PE HxNo couhing bloodNo unilateral LE swellingNo SpO2 <95%No surgery or trauma within 28 days