CCNA Academy Chapter 4

CCNA Academy Chapter 4

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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The Transport layer is responsible for ________.
The overall end-to-end transfer of application data
We examine the role of the Transport layer in encapsulating application data for use by the Network layer. The Transport layer also encompasses these functions:
Enables multiple applications to communicate over the network at the same time on a single device
Ensures that, if required, all the data is received reliably and in order by the correct application
Employs error handling mechanisms
The Transport layer provides for_______ of data and the control necessary to reassemble these pieces into the various communication streams.
The segmentation
The Transport Layer. Its primary responsibilities to accomplish this are:
Tracking the individual communication between applications on the source and destination hosts

Segmenting data and managing each piece

Reassembling the segments into streams of application data

Identifying the different applications
Tracking Individual Conversations
Any host may have multiple applications that are communicating across the network. Each of these applications will be communicating with one or more applications on remote hosts. It is the responsibility of the Transport layer to maintain the multiple communication streams between these applications.
Segmenting Data
As each application creates a stream data to be sent to a remote application, this data must be prepared to be sent across the media in manageable pieces. The Transport layer protocols describe services that segment this data from the Application layer. This includes the encapsulation required on each piece of data. Each piece of application data requires headers to be added at the Transport layer to indicate to which communication it is associated.

Reassembling Segments
At the receiving host, each piece of data may be directed to the appropriate application. Additionally, these individual pieces of data must also be reconstructed into a complete data stream that is useful to the Application layer. The protocols at the Transport layer describe the how the Transport layer header information is used to reassemble the data pieces into streams to be passed to the Application layer.

Identifying the Applications
N order to pass data streams to the proper applications, the Transport layer must identify the target application. To accomplish this, the Transport layer assigns an application an identifier. The TCP/IP protocols call this identifier a port number. Each software process that needs to access the network is assigned a port number unique in that host. This port number is used in the Transport layer header to indicate to which application that piece of data is associated.
The Transport layer is the link between______and the lower layer that are responsible for network transmission.
The Application layer
Applications do not need to know the ______ of the network in use. The applications generate data that is sent from one application to another, without regard to the destination host type, the type of media over which the data must travel, the path taken by the data, the congestion on a link, or the size of the network.
A)operational details
Because different applications have different requirements, there are multiple ________.
A)Transport layer protocols
Other Transport layer protocols describe processes that provide additional features, such as ensuring _______delivery between the applications. While these additional functions provide more robust communication at the Transport layer between applications, they have additional ____ and make larger demands on the network.
Sending some types of data - a video for example - across a network as one complete communication stream could prevent other communications from occurring at the same time. It also makes error recovery and retransmission of damaged data difficult. What is a good solution to this problem ?
Dividing data into small parts, and sending these parts from the source to the destination, enables many different communications to be interleaved (multiplexed) on the same network.

***Dividing data into small parts, and sending these parts from the source to the destination, enables many different communications to be interleaved (multiplexed) on the same network.
At the Transport layer, each particular set of pieces flowing between a source application and a destination application is known as a ______.
To identify each segment of data, the Transport layer adds to the piece a_____containing binary data. This ____contains fields of bits. It is the values in these fields that enable different Transport layer protocols to perform different functions.
A) header