Front | Back |
What is this? |
1biceps femoris 2gastronemius 3 fasia latta 4sartorius
What is this? |
1external oblique 2internal oblique 3latissimus dors
What is this? Only 1-3 |
1longhead triceps 2lat head triceps branchii 3-clavobranchiallis
What is this? |
1sartorius 2gastrocnemius 3gracilis
What is this? |
4spinodeltoid 5acomiodeltoid 6clavotrapezius
What is this? |
9gastrocnemius 10 soleus
What is this? |
Biceps branchii on left with branchialis on R
What is this? |
What is this? |
Lumbodorsal fascia by lower back see white above
What is this? |
Tensor fascia lata- ctissue band
What is this? |
Transversus where probe under oblique flap
In shark there is adductor mandibulae. What are the homologous muscles in cats? (3)
Temporalis, masseter, pterygoideus, tensor tympani
In shark there is intermandibularis. What are the homologous muscles in cats? (2)
Mylohyoid, digastric- anterior part only
In shark get levator hyomandibulae.
What are the homologous muscles in cats? |
In shark get interhyoideus. What are the homologous muscles in cats? (2)
Stylohyoid and digastric (posterior part only)