Career Counseling Quiz #1

These are the notes for career counseling quiz #1. They should help alot. STUDY HARD. Test Tuesday morning!!!!

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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What does adapting to business life mean?
-Re-examingin your decisions-Recognizing what is important to you-Recognizing how you have to change
ADAPTING TO BUSINESS LIFEWhat should you re-examine?
-Whether you are passionate or interested in your major-Whether you have chosen a profession that matches your personality, likes, and dislikes
ADAPTING TO BUSINESS LIFEWhy do I have to know what is important?
-Know whether your goal is money, fame, etc.-Know if your ethics, time, patience are at your boss's disposal
ADAPTING TO BUSINESS LIFEWhy do I have to change?
-People in the company have a way of doing things-You may have different ethics, beliefs, and behaviors than co-workers
What is the key for people interested in business and preparing to enter the job market?
What is included in being self aware?
KNOWING-your values, beliefs, your behavior around people, sense of style and dress, temper, weaknesses, strengths, patience, and handling of deadlines
What do you get from being self aware?
-Know when you are violating your values-Limit bad habits-ect.
Cognitive Intelligence-Literally how bright you are, book smart
Emotional Intelligence-ability to manage yourself & build relationships with others
When did people realize self-awareness was important?
When it became a $12 billion industry and people paid for books, psychologist, and go to seminars.
Which of these is 2 times more likely to be promoted?
(A) A person with expertise (I.Q)(B) A person with self-awarenss (E.Q)
What do we do when someone tells us something about ourselves we don't like?
We protect the image we have of ourselves by getting defensive.
"Don't go there."
The point at which we become defensive about hearing unpleasant things is called:
Sensitive Line
When people cross the line, and tell us something we don't want to hear, our bodies get rigid, we tense up, hunker down, and deny. This is called:
Threat-Rigidity Response
What matters the most for self-awareness?
What others think of us (and see us as)
because we are social beings