58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Front Back
Cardiovascular System
Heart, blood, & blood vessels
Systemic circulation
Left ventricls -- aorta -- arteries -- arterioles -- capillaries -- venuels -- veins -- superior & inferior vena cava -- right atrium
Pulmonary circulation
Right atrium -- right ventrical -- pulmonary arteries -- arterioles -- capilaries -- venuels -- veins -- pulmonary veins -- left atrium -- left ventricle
Left Ventricle
Contracts w/ most force to propel the blood through the systemic circulation
Occurs when ventricle contract
Occurs durring relaxation of the entire heart & contraction of the atria
Vagus Nerve
- innervates heart & digestive system
-slows rate of heart contractions & increases digestive activity in the intestines
Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)
Located in right atrium
- paces heart contractions
Antrioventricular node (AV Node)
Located in interatrial septa
-slower to contract creating a delay which allows atria to finish their contraction & too squeeze contents into ventricles before the ventricles begin to contract
Purkinje Fibers
Conductive fibers that branch out AP in ventricular walls
Elastic, stretch as they fill w/ blood
- wrapped in smooth muscle
Very small
wrapped in smotth blood
Microscopic blood vessels
Methods to cross capillary walls
- pinocytosis
- diffusion or transport through capillary cell membranes
- movement through pores in the cells called fenestrations
- movement through the space between the cells
Pulmonary Artery
Contains most deoxygenated blood in body