The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Flashcards

Have you had the chance to read The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer? The tales are stories that tell about pilgrims and the stories that they speak on the road with the best one having a free meal at the inn. Do read up on the flashcards below and get to see how well you understood the literature behind the book.

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Near the beginning of the prologue, the narrator reveals that his main motivation for making the pilgramage is
Religious devotion
In general, the attitude of the characters toward the pilgrimage is one of
When the narrator says of the Summoner, "you'd meed none better if you went to find one", he is
Being sarcastic
Which of the following pairs of characters does the narrator admire most?
The parson and knight
Of the following charaters, which is portrayed as being dainty?
The pardoner
To win the contest proposed by the host, a pilgram must tell the story that is judged to be the
Most pleasing and uplifting
What does the host suggest as a prize for the best story
A supper paid for by all the pilgrims
The attitude of the tavern-knave toward Death is one of
The tavern-knave claims that the best attitude to take toward Death is to
Be careful of him
At first, the attitude of the three rioters toward Death is one of
As the rioters go out on their search, their language is all of the following except
Which of the following reflects the old man's attitude toward dying?
The old man scolds the three rioters for their
The three rioters believe that the old man is
Death's spy
Which of the three rioters commits murder
All of them