Cancer Lectures 1-4

BIOL 465, Molecular Basis of Cancer

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is a Carcinoma?
Epithelial derived cancer
What is a Sarcoma?
Connective tissue derived cancer
What is Ras?
Rat Sarcoma protein-tethered to plasma membrane (only functional here)-important in signal transduction-acts as GTPase
-epidermal growth factor and MAPK signalling pathways, and also inhibition of apoptosis
What are the 3 types of Ras?
HRas, KRas, and NRas
What types of mutations are found in Ras?
-Point mutations --> Hyperactivation --> oncogene-allows cancer cell to produce cytokines (from activation of cfos), which change local area to give rise to growth.
-involved in growth, survival, motility, migration, and cell division
Describe the conformation of mutated Ras
Often activated to hold the open conformation-maintains binding of GTP (gamma phosphate not removed so never becomes GDP)
Prevalence of Ras mutations in human tumours?
25-30%, sometimes significantly more in specific types of cancers.-leads to self sufficiency in growth signals (prolonged signalling)
What is the leading cause of Death in Canada?
Cancer, 29.9% of deaths due to cancer
Cancer is a disease of ______?
--> what contributes to this?
-drops in certain hormones that maintain homeostasis-molecular changes within cells
-less stem cells
-mitochondrial function decline (lack apoptotic ability)
Incident Rate =
Number of new cases (not including previous cases)-often recorded per per case (contrast to death rate which is often per 100,000)
What percent of canadians will develop cancer?
40%, (2/5)
How many will die due to Cancer?
25% (1/4)
Why are 5 and 10 year survival rates improving?
Early detection, and medical advances leading to better treatment
Question 14
How does the aging demographic effect cancer rates?
Answer 14
As our population is proportionately older, a higher proportion of the population is at risk for cancer. This is hard to separate statistically from "increasing cancer rates"-if hold population "at 1984" level, cancer incidence rates don't appear to really be increasing, and death rates may actually be declining
For each country, name the most prevalent cancer:
Canada: LeukemiaUSA: Colon CancerBrazil: Cervical Cancer
UK: Lung Cancer
China: Liver Cancer
Japan: Stomach Cancer
Austrailia: Skin Cancer