Law 12 Exam Prep (Chapter 1)

Canadian Law 12 Exam Prep.

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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The protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee.

(i.e. Someone who committed a crime and will face a penalty of torture/capital punishment if they return to their home country)
Case Law
Law established by the outcome of previous cases.
Referance to a legal case.
The Code of Hammurabi:
Famous king ruled Babylon(Iraq) 3800 yrs ago.
Earlist Law we know of.

basically you'll get your hand cut off if you break one of these laws rofl.
Define Restitution

Define Retribution

Remember the difference.
Restitution: Restoring or Compensation

Retribution: Deserving of punishment; vengaence
Define Codification
Process of preparing a code.
Common Law
Unwritten law.
Customary Law
A traditional common rule that has become a majorly accepted and expected conduct in a community, and is treated as a legal requirement.
Diplomatic Law and Immunity
Basically this person has more leeway in their behaviour than the average citizen and may not suffer the same penalties for breaking the law.
The legal surrender of a person according to international agreements.
Habeas Corpus
A document that requires a person to be brought to court to determine if they are being legally detained; protection against an unlawful detention.
Justinian Code
The legal code of ancient Rome, codified under Justinian; the basis for many modern systems of civil law.

emphasized equity; the idea that law should be fair and just and that all are equal.
Magna Carta
The nobility, clergy and freemen forced King John to sigh the Magna Carta in 1215.

Recognized the principle of the rule of law. Ruler cannot restrict freedom of people without reason. Also guaranteed habeas corpus.
Mosaic Law
Moses law to the Hebrew people. Old testament.

basically you are put to death if you break these laws.
Napoleonic Code
Emperor napoleon revised french law. conquered most of europe early 1800s, equity and justice for all.

basis of law in many modern democratic countries.