Define the Types of Energies in Human Body Flashcards

Here is a list of flashcards which is based on the Types of Energies in Human Body in the form of flashcards quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes and check your Types of Energies in Human Body knowledge with our Flashcards.

165 cards   |   Total Attempts: 200

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Three Types of energy systems?
1. ATP-CP System
2. Lactic Acid or glycolytic System.
3. Aeorbic or oxidative.
The study of how energy flows in the human body.
Define Energy
The ability to do physical work.
Define Homeostasis
A state of stability or balance where all body functions occur easily and the demand for energy is comfortably met by the supply of available energy/
Define Metabolism
Sum of all chemical reactions in the body that use or create energy.
Describe the ATP- CP system
Fuel up to 10 seconds at maximal capacity.
Phase 1: (1-2 seconds at maximal effort) ATP splits -> ADP + P + Energy

Phase 2: ADP + CP +ATP+ Creatine
Glycolytic System
Fuel up to 2 mins at maximal intensity.
Glucose -> 2ATP + 2 LA +Heat
Lactic acidosis
Aerobic Glycolosis
Fuel for more than 2 minutes at submaximal intensity.
Fatty acid oxidation
Fuel for over 2 monutes during low intensity exercise.
Define Lactate threshhold
The point at which the body cannot supply enough ATP needed forcing the body to increase their contribution of atp. Lactate cannot be cleared.
What is an Oxygen deficit?
The body consumes more oxygen at rest than it normally would have strenuous exercise know as EPOC.
The Cardiovascular system is composed of?
The heart and a network of arteries and viens.
Describe the heart.
Four chambers works as a pump, the right atrium and right ventricle work as the right pump collecting blood returning from tissues and to the lungs.(pulmonary circulation) The left atrium and left ventricle recieves blood from lungs and distributes to tissues (systemic circulation).
Define Capillaries
Smallest and most numerous blood vessels.
In a typical adult how much blood circulates?
5L per minute