Flashcards About Texas A&M University

How much do you know about Texas A&M University? There are different ways that you can learn about a school, and if you want to be the next student to join this university, the flashcards will offer you a chance to show people how much you know during orientation. Do give it a try and get to see what new information you might get.

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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What is the purpose of the Corps?
The Purpose of the Corps is to develop well-educated leaders of character prepared to provide values-based leadership and service in the public and private sectors.
What are the Core Values of the Corps of Cadets?
*We are men and women of character, honor and integrity who are committed to serving others.*We live by the Aggie Code of Honor*We respect others and have a regard for their dignity, worth and individuality. *We strive for a quality education and are committed to obtaining a degree from Texas A&M. *We value the Corps' structured way of life as a high road to becoming a leader of character and a responsible citizen.*We are committed to personal development - mental, physical and spiritual. *We value personal courage, perseverance, and the ability to overcome mental and physical challenges. *We value teamwork as the capacity to work together toward accomplishing mutually agreed upon goals. *We value our Corps experience as a basis for life-long friendships.*We are loyal to our Country, our family and friends, our University, the Corps and our fellow Aggies.*We take pride in the Corps' tradition and heritage and in the Corps' role as "Keepers of the Spirit" and the "Guardians of Tradition."
Under what act of Congress was A&M established?
The college was established under the Morrill Act of July 2, 1862.
When was Texas A&M opened?
A&M was opened for registration on October 2, 1876. On Wednesday, October 4, 1876, 40 students and 6 faculty members began instruction.
Chain of Command:Squad LeaderPlatoon/Flight LeaderFirst SergeantUnit CommanderWing Commander Corps Commander
Recite the Cadet Oath
I, --------, do solemnly swear that I will obey all University regulations, THE STANDARD, and and the directives of my superior officers; that I will be diligent in my studies; that I will hold myself and my fellow cadets to the aggie code of honor that I will remember that to be a member of the corps of cadets is a privilege which must be earned every day by my honorable actions and that I will conduct myself in a manner that will reflect great credit upon the university and the corps of cadets so help me God.
What is the inscription on the front and back of the pedestal on which the Lawrence Sullivan Ross Statue stands in front of the Academic Building?
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, 1838-1898, Soldier, Statesman, Knightly, Gentleman; Brigadier General C.S.A., Governor of Texas, President of the A&M College
What is Silver Taps and where is the notice for Silver Taps posted?
Silver Taps is the student body's final tribute paid to an Aggie who, at the time of his/her death, was enrolled in undergraduate or graduate classes at Texas A&M. The Notice is posted at the base of the flagpole in front of the academic building.
What is Aggie Muster?
On April 21st each year, on the anniversary of the battle of San Jacinto, Aggies gather together, wherever they are, to commemorate fellow Aggies who have died during the year. The tradition was begun 21 April 1903.
When and where did the 12th man originate?
On January 2, 1922 in Dallas during the Dixie Classic (the forerunner of the Cotton Bowl), an Aggie E. King Gill, was called from the stands to suit up as a substitute, hence the phrase "12th Man".
Who are the 7 Texas Aggie Medal of Honor recipients?
Horace S. Carswell, JRGeorge D. KeathleyThomas W. FowlerTurney W. LeonardWilliam G. Harrell Eli L. Whiteleyand Lloyd H. Hughes
What is the inscription at the entrance to the Bonfire Memorial?
There's a spirit that can ne'er be told...
What event related to the Bonfire happened in 1999?
On November 18, 1999, at 2:41am, tragedy struck Aggieland when the Bonfire stack collapsed. 12 Aggies died due to injuries sustained in the collapse
What is the inscription on the entrance to the Bonfire Memorial?
Theres a spirit that can ne'er be told
What is the Elephant Walk?
Before the last regularly schedule football game each year, the seniors gather and then visit all the important historical locations on campus before wandering off to some secluded spot as if old elephants about to di. This symbolizes the fact that, as former students, they will never again stand as part of the student portion of the 12th man.