BU398 OB Final Exam Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship slides

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 204

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Define social entrepreneurship.
The application of entrepreneurial business skills to the creation of an enterprise whose primary purpose is to solve social and environmental problems.
What is a social entrepreneur a mix of?
1. traditional business entrepreneurs2. traditional social workers and environmentalists
What are B Corporations?
Benefit corporations
What are Benefit Corporations required to do?
1. Purpose: have a corporate purpose to create a material positive impact on society and the environment2. Accountability: expand fiduciary duty to require consideration of the interests of workers, community and the environment3. Transparency: publicly report annually on overall social and environmental performance against a comprehensive, credible, independent, and transparent third party standard
What are co-operatives?
- internationally recognized business form- premise: owned/operated by and for members- democratically controlled: one-member, one-vote, regardless of business done with co-op or investment in co-op
What are the 7 co-operative principles?
1. voluntary and open membership2. democratic member control3. member economic participation4. autonomy and independence5. education, training and information6. co-operation among co-operatives7. concern for community