Breastfeeding (Module 7)

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are some contraindications to breastfeeding?
- Active breast malignancies undergoing chemo or radiation
- HIV+ or AIDS
- recreational drugs
- certain prescription drugs
What are the three characteristic phases of breast milk?
When is fat content highest in breastmilk?
In hindmilk, at end of feeding
How does breastmilk change diurnally?
High volume / low fat in morning
Low volume / high fat later in the day
What are properties of colostrum?
Low in volume, high in density, rich in protein and immunoglobulins
What are properties of mature milk?
High in volume, more lactose and fat, less protein
When does mammary gland become fully functional?
Onset of lactation
Does bigger mouthful of breast enhance milk flow received by baby?
What is lactogenesis?
Initiation of milk production
What stimulates lactogenesis?
Delivery of placenta causes estrogen, human placental lactogen, and progesterone levels to drop; prolactin levels to rise --> initiation of milk prod
What is galactopoiesis?
The process of ongoing milk production
What stimulates galactopoiesis?
Sensory stimulation
Breast emptying
Supply and dement
Milk ejection (let-down) reflex
Is "more milk out equals more milk made" a true concept?
How does emptying the breast improve ongoing milk production?
More milk out means more milk made
Drained breasts make milk faster while full breasts make milk slower due to the feedback inhibitator lactation (FIL) factor and pressure
What are the most important factors that contribute to the successful transfer of milk from breast to baby?
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