Breastfeeding Flashcards

Cards to study for Lactation Exam

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Ways to support a mother who has chosen to formula feed
*Instruct on proper preparation*Provide WHO booklet *Suggest ways to promote bonding -Skin to skin -Paced feeding
The hormone responsible for breast growth at puberty
Discuss a Breast Assessment
1. Evaluate size, shape, and symmetry of breast and nipples.2. Assess nipple everson, compressibility, or discharge3. Evaluate elasticity of the breast tissue.4. Document:*Previous breastfeeding experience*Hx of breast surgery ortrauma (augmentation, reduction,biopsy scars)*Hx of medication/drug use*Changes in breast prenatal
Path of the milk line
Runs from the axilla to the groin and can be on the labia *Extra breast tissue, supernumerary nipples, and milk ducts can be anywhere along the milk line-more common in males & on left side
Number of wet diapers in 24 hours after establishment of lactogenesis
Maximum percentage of birth weight a healthy newborn may lose
Signs of a good latch
*1.5in (3.81cm) beyond nipple*Chin & nose touching breast*Top & bottom lip flanged out*Jaw & temple movement*Audible swallows
Time period WHO recommends that's infants should be exclusively breastfed
6 months
Reasons/Causes for insufficient glandular tissue
*Lack of development secondary to radiation*Underdevelopment*Disproportionate size*Trauma (ex: burn, auto accident, chest tube as a premie, etc.)
Approximate weight of breast with pregnancy
*Before pregnancy ~200g*During pregnancy ~400-600g*During Lactation ~600-800g
Things to do to promote optimal breastfeeding outcomes
*Keep mom & baby together after birth*Keep them in close proximity day/night*Assist with good position & latch*Encourage feeding 8-12x in 24hrs*Provide BF support options available after birth*Educate family regarding supportive roles
Poland Syndrome
Condition where individual is born with missing or underdeveloped muscles on one side of the body
Intercostal nerve most important to breastfeeding
IV (Fourth intercostal nerve)
Location of the entry of the fourth intercostal nerve into the breast
*Enters Left Breast at 4:00*Enters Right Breast at 8:00
Amount of blood supplied to the breast by the intermammary artery