Book of Mormon

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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What did Moroni list as the purposes of the Book of Mormon on the Title Page?
To show unto the House of Israel what great things the Lord has done for their fathers
That they may know the covenants of the Lord
To convince the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ
Describe the situation in Jerusalem around 600 B.C. What is the chronology (order of events) of the Assyrian captivity of the 10 tribes, the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem, Lehi and Mulek departures?
Jaredites, Asssyrian captivity of 10 tribes, Lehi, Mulek, Babylon destruction of Jerusalem
What was contained on the brass plates? What period of time did they cover?
Brass plates: 5 books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), record of the Jews from Adam to Zedekiah, Prophecies of holy prophets from Adam to Zedekiah, prophecies of Jeremiah, Lehi’s geneology (Joseph)
Covered about 4000BC to 600BC
Know facts about the plates. Which were started first and when? What was on each set? Which did Mormon abridge? How do the small plates fit into the record? What was Nephi’s intent in keeping the small plates? What was in the lost 116 pages? What time period did that cover? Which were called “these” and when did they begin? Which were called “those?” When did they begin? What did Moroni abridge? What is the book of Ether?
Brass plates.
Large plates – secular and historial record of the kings, wars, etc. Small – spiritual material about ministry of Nephites.
Mormon abridged large plates, plates of Ether
Small plates are attached to the gold (Mosiah – Moroni), 1st and 2nd Nephi
“Wise purpose”
Contained same information. From Lehi – Benjamin
“These” = small.
“Those” = large
Ether = Record of Jaredites engraved on 24 gold plate by Ether
What three different civilizations did Nephi see in his vision contained in 1 Nephi 10-14?
Jews, Lamanites, Gentiles
What does 1 Nephi 13 state about when the plain and precious truths were taken from the Bible?

Who was mainly responsible for the majority of the loss of the plain and precious truths? (
During the inter-testamental period, but also throughout history. As it has been transmitted over the centuries, has suffered the loss of many plain and precious parts – no original manuscripts.

The designing and corrupt priests and scribes in the “great and abominable church”
What is the Great and Abominable Church? What is the difference in the church described in 1 Nephi 13 and 1 Nephi 14? What chapter describes the historical church? The typological church?
Church = every evil and worldly organization that perverts the true gospel.
13: church = actual historical church going into apostasy. 14: broader, “typological” symbolic meaning
What is the symbolism associated with the Liahona?
Liahona means “of God is Light.” God gives light, as does the Sun. Our conscience is our liahona
Who were Zenock, Neum, and Zenos? Where were their writings recorded?
Old testament prophets who lived in the holy Land before 600BC
Writings were recorded on the Brass plates
What caused Israel’s scattering? How is Israel gathered? What did Joseph teach was the main purpose for the gathering of Israel? Is the present gathering of the Jews the one prophesied in scripture? What did S. W. Kimball teach about the gathering? To whom must the Jews gather 1st?
Scattered because they rejected the gospel, defiled the priesthood, forsook the church, departed from the kingdom (wickedness).
Israel is gathered by believing I the gospel, joining the Church, coming into the kingdom
Main purpose is to build unto the Lord a house
People gather to where they are from
Must gather to Christ first
What is the “mighty nation?” What is the “marvelous work”?
USA, restoration of the gospel
What do we know concerning the creation? At what point did things become temporal (mortal)? Was there sin, corruption or reproduction in man or animals prior to the fall? In what state (Temporal or immortal) were things placed on the earth during phase II?
Men were created to fall.
Things became temporal when Adam and Eve fell.
No sin, corruption, reproduction.
Immortal state.
What types of death were brought about by the fall? How does the Atonement affect each death? What was the reaction of Adam and Eve to the fall
Two deaths: physical – body separated from spirit, spiritual – mankind separated from God
Atonement: everyone’s body and spirit is reunited through resurrection. Everyone is reunited with God to be judged. They were joyous.
What changes did the fall bring about in the earth? What were the conditions before and after the fall?
With Adams fall came other falls – mortality, procreation, and death. Man became mortal.
Before: Terrestial conditions. No death, no procreation, no blood, innocent, no sin, no corruption, no joy, in god’s presence. After: opposite.
What were the Lord’s directions to Adam concerning the trees in the Garden? What was “forbidden”? What is contained in the 1st Presidency’s official statement about the origin of man?
The verse talks about agency – the lord provides opposition in all things. The Lord asked Adam not to partake of the forbidden fruit. Staying in the garden after partaking of the fruit was forbidden. “Man began life as a human being, in the likeness of our Heavenly Father. Man came from Adam, not evolution. We are the direct and lineal offspring of Deity. By experience through ages and eons, we can evolve into a God.”