Bones & Muscles Vocabulary

Skeletal & Muscular System vocabulary

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Bone marrow
Soft tissue in the center of many bones
Cardiac muscle
Specialized, involuntary muscle found only in the heart
Soft, flexible material found in joints and other parts of the skeletal system
Compact bone
Thick, hard outer layer of bone
Places in the skeleton where two or more bones meet or are joined together
Strong bands of tissue that hold bones together at joints
Skeletal muscles
Muscles that move bones
Smooth muscle
Involuntary muscles that move many of your internal organs
Spongy bone
Light but strong type of bone found inside the ends of bones; not compact; with many openings
Strong elastic bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones
Tough, tight-fitting membrane that covers the surface of bones
Ball and socket joint
In this type of joint a bone with a rounded end that fits into a cuplike cavity on another bone
Pivot joint
In this joint one bone rotates in a ring of another bone that does not move
Hinge joint
A joint that has a back and forth movement like hinges on a door
Gliding joint
A type of joint where one part of a bone slides over another bone