Boeing C17 Globemaster and CBs

Objective 29

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The C17 can be re-figured in flight by one trained person for which roles?
Passenger, Paratroop, Palletized cargo, Roll-on - Roll off (clear floor), Air drop or Aeromedical evacuation. Or a combination of above.
What is the definition of a C17 fuselage station?
An imaginary plane, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the a/c - it is identified by its distance from the reference datum.
Where is the reference datum of the C17 located?
80.5 Inches forward of the a/cs nose.
How many stabilizer struts are there on the C17?
Two hyrdaulic stabilizer struts.
What is the main function of the C17s stabilizer struts?
The struts stabilize the a/c during on/offloading of rolling loads, or when using the ramp as a lift.
Apart from on/Offloading stabilization what can the stabilizer arms be used for?
The struts can also be used to jack up the Aft end of the a/c to allow servicing of the main landing gear.
Name the six most dangerous and constant dangers associated with the C17 when the engines are running on the ground.
Radiation from the nose, Idle thrust, APU exhaust, external power panel, stabilizer struts and FED.s
What is the radiation hazard area of the C17 nose radar.
48 feet
What is the idle thrust - air intake (suck) hazard area for a C17 engine in wind speeds of: A - 25 knots and under. B - In excess of 25 knots.
A - 9 Feet B - 9 Feet plus 50% -    13.5 Feet. 
What is the idle thrust - air intake (suck) hazard area for a C17 engine during slippery conditions?
13.5 Feet.
What is the blast hazard area from a C17 engine at: A - 28ft  & B - 95ft in MPH 
A - 136 MPH B - 68 MPH
What is the Temperature Hazard area from a C17 engine from the following distances: A - 22ft & B - 50ft in Degrees.
A - 125 degrees B - 100 degrees
C17 External Hazards Where is the APU exhaust located on the C17?
It is located just forward of the main wheels on the right hand side (starboard).
C17 External Hazards Where is the External power panel located? 
Located forward ofthe emergency escape door.
C17 External Hazards Where are the stabilizer struts located?
Located just aft of the troop doors (not visible when stowed).