Body Planes

The body plane, definitions, and sections.

93 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The Study of structures of the body
The Study of functions of body structures
Standing up sp that the body is erect, facing forward, holding arms at the sides, turning the hands with the palms toward the front.
Anatomic Posistion
Any up-and-down line that is at a right angle.
Vertical Plane
Any vertical plane that divides the whole body into unequal left and right portions
Sagittal plane
A sagittal plane that divides the body , from top to bottom, into equal left and right halves (Also known as midline)
Midsagittal Plane
Divides the body into anterior and posterior portions. (Also known as frontal plane).
Coronal Plane
A flat crosswise line like the horizion.
Horizontal Plane
The horizontal plane that divides the whole body into superior(upper) and inferior(lower) portions.
Transverse Plane
Pretaining to the back
Located within the skull, protects the brain.
Cranial Cavity
Located within the spinal column, protects the spinal cord.
Spinal Cord
Located in the front of the body
Ventral Cavity
Maintaining a constant internal environment
Known as the chest cavity or thorax, protects the heart and lungs
Thoracic cavity