Inorganic & Organic Compounds Flashcards

​Start studying for the Inorganic & organic compounds present in the body with these quiz-based flashcards quizzes. Anyone who is interested in can attempt these imaged flashcards quizzes. These flashcard quizzes which are simple and easy to attempt.

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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The body is made up of
Atoms, ions, and molecules.
Life processes depend on the organization and interaction of
Atoms,ions, and molecules
An electrically charged atom or group of atoms
Because of their electrical charges, ions are very important in many life processes, including
Energy tranformations, transmission ofnerve impluses, and muscle contraction.
Is a molecule that consists of two or more different elements combined in a fixed proportion.
Chemical compound
Chemical compounds can be classified in two broad groups
Inorganic and organic
Are relatively small, simple compounds such as water , salts, simple acids, and simple bases.
Inorganic compounds,These substances are required for fluid balance and for many cell activities such as transporting materials through cell membranes.
Are large, complex compounds containing carbon.
Organic compounds,they are the chemical building blocks(structural componets) of the body also serve as fuel molecules that provide energy for body activities, also regulate and participate in thousands of chemical reactions necessary for life.
Are sugars and starches
Carbohydrates, they are used by the body as fuel molecules and to store energy
Glucose is a simple sugar that is a main source of energy for
The body
The liver and musc les can link glucose molecules into long chains, producing
Glycogen, a large molecule that can be stored.
Four important groups of inorganic compounds are
Carbohydrates,lipids,proteins,and nucleic acids.
Among the biologically important groups of lipids are the
Fats, compounds that store energy, and phospholipids, which are components of cell membranes. Steriods.
Another important group of lipids , include several hormones, for ex female sex hormones.
several hormones, for ex female sex hormones.
Are large complex molecules composed of subnuits called amino acids.