BMR Quiz 1

Basic Militar y Requirements

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Which of the following terms identifies abatement?
Which of the following materials is the primary municipal pollutant?
Raw or inadequately treated sewage
Most pesticides fall into which of the following categories?
What is the primary pollution concern of Navy personnel?
Shipboard wastes
Which of the following modes of transportation creates most air pollutants?
Motor vehicles
Extravagant, careless or needless expenditure of government resources?
Which, if any, of the following effects of pollution is the most serious?
What program provides information and support for navy personnel who are guests in foreign lands?
Overseas Duty Support Program
Steel erodes faster than normal when exposed to which of the following air pollutants?
Sulfur Oxides
Under the Clean Air Act, what government body has the primary responsibility for assuring air quality?
Each state
As part of the Navy's Health and Physical Readiness program, naval personnel are required to undergo fitness testing at what interval?
Pollution can result when which of the following types of agents is/are introduced into the air, water, or soil?
Biological, Chemical and Physical.
From what part of the world does the U.S. import most of its crude oil?
Middle East
Submarines may discharge negatively buoyant compacted trash not less than 12 NM from the U.S. coastline only if the water depth is greater than how many faothoms?
1,000 fathoms
Intentional, wrongful or improper use of government resources?