What Blood Type Matches with Specific Blood Group Flashcards

What blood type matches with a specific blood group? There are different types of blood groups, and they are identified based on the genes that one has. Do you know that each blood type can only receive or give to specific groups? Take a look at the flashcards below and get to see how much you might learn in the process. This is a qui z for th

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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An O+ recipient can receive blood from what Blood Type?
O-, O+ Remember that if it's a positive it can take both the negative and positive.
An O-(neg) recipient can recieve blood from what blood type(s)?
O-(neg) remember that a negative blood type can only recieve a negative blood type.
An A+ recipient can receive blood from what blood type(s)?
A- , A+ , O-, O+ Remember type o- is the universal donor. everyone can recieve O-(neg)
A- recipient can receive blood from what blood type(s)?
A- , O- Remember only neg blood typs get neg blood types.
B+ recipient can receive blood from what blood type(s)?
B- , B+ , O-, O+
B- recipient can receive blood from what blood type(s)?
B- , O-
AB+ recipient can receive blood from what blood type(s)?
AB-,AB+,B-,B+,A-,A+,O-,O+ remember AB+ is the universal recipient.
What blood type is considered the universal donor?
What blood type is considered the universal recipient?
Will you pass the test of compatible blood types?
Yes you will because you have all the answers in these flash cards.