Red and White Blood Cells Flashcards

Here is the list of the flashcards which consist of every information related to the Red and white blood cells, and much more. Attempt this list of flashcards and check your knowledge that how well you know about the topic of blood.

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Functions of Red Blood: Distribution
1. Transports nutrients and oxygen... 2. Transports metabolic wastes to the respiratory and excretory organs.... 3. Transports hormones, enzymes, etc
Functions of Red Blood: Regulation
4. Regulates temp... 5. maintains normal pH in body tissues blood proteins act as buffers... 6. Maintain adequate fluid volume in circulatory system.
Functions of Red Blood: Protection
7. Prevents blood loss, blood clots halt blood loss.... 8. Prevents infection, antibodies and WBC protect against foreign invaders.
Blood Plasma: Plasma
Whole blood minus blood cells, clear straw colored liquid.. suspends blood cells
Blood Plasma: Serum
Whole blood minus clotting elements
Blood Plasma: Albumins
Most abundant plasma protein, synthesized in the liver... function regulates blood volume
Blood Plasma: Globulins
Form antibodies for immunity
Blood Plasma: Fibrinogen
Synthesized in liver, used in blood clotting reaction
Is the formation of blood, initially from yolk sac
Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide... hemo stands for oxygen and globin stands for reg pigments
RBC's lifespan
120 days
Erythrocyte Disorders: Anemia
Decreased oxygen carrying capacity of the blood... excessive bleeding, trauma, menstruation, ulcer
Erythrocyte Disorders: Hemorrhagic anemia
Excessive bleeding; trauma menstruation, ulcer