Blood Bank Antibody Id and Reagents and Techniques

Overview of antibody id principles and techniques, uses for reagents.

131 cards   |   Total Attempts: 280

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What is the purpose of an antibody screen?
To detect unexpected antibodies to red cell antigens.
What does a negative antibody screen indicate?
That there are no detectable antibodies in that sample
At what phase do Rh antibodies react best at?
IgG 37/AHG
At what phase do anti-Lewis ab react best at?
IgM 24 degrees C
At what phase does anti-P1 react at?
IGM 24 degrees C
At what phase do I ab react at?
IgM 24 degrees C
At what phase do M and N ab react?
At what phase do S,s and U antibodies react at?
IgG 37
At what phase do Kell ab react at?
IgG 37
At what phase do Kidd ab react?
IgG 37
At what phase do Duffy ab react?
IgG 37
At what phase do lutheran ab react?
Lua - mostly IgMLub- mostly IgG
What is required by the AABB standards for ab screening?
AHG testingCells must contain antigens to challenge 18 AgsD,C,E,c,e,M, N, S, s, K,k,Fya,Fyb,Jka,Jkb,P1,Lea,Leb
What is not required by the AABB standards for ab screening?
Autocontrol - only for pos ab screentesting, Jsa,Jsb,f,V,Cw, Kpa,Kpb,Lua,LubIS and read at 37 degrees before AHG
What type of cells are chosen as a pos ctl for ag typing?
Heterozygous cells for that ag