Birds of North America Flashcards

Here are some Birds of North America with images in the form of Flashcard quizzes for kids and toddlers. Kids like to attempt Flashcards quizzes with images and due to this their understanding level gets more enhanced and boosted. This Flashcards quiz is specifically designed for kids to know more about the Birds of North America with ease and smoothly.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 205

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Question 1
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 1
Double-Crested Cormorant
Family: Phalacrocoracidae
Order: Pelecaniformes
Habitat: Permanent resident of shoreline/aquatic habitat.
Eats: Fish, crustaceans, amphibians, aquatic insects
Pg: 53
Question 2
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 2
Great Blue Heron
Family: Ardeidae
Order: Ciconiiformes
Habitat: Permanent resident of shoreline/aquatic habitat.
Eats: Fish, Amphibians, snakes, small mammals, Crustaceans, insects
Question 3
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 3
American Coot
Family: Rallidae
Order: Gruiformes
Habitat: Permanent resident of shoreline/aquatic habitat.
Eats: Leaves, fronds, seeds, roots, small fish, tadpoles, snails, insects
Question 4
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 4
Forster's Tern
Family: Laridae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Permanent resident
Eats: Fish, insects
Question 5
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 5
Belted Kingfisher
Family: Alcedinidae
Order: Coraciiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Permanent resident
Eats: Fish, crustaceans, amphibians, lizards, insects
Question 6
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 6
Brown Pelican
Family: Pelecanidae
Order: Pelecaniformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Summer, fall, and winter resident
Eats: Fish, small crustaceans
Question 7
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 7
Common Loon
Family: Gaviidae
Order: Gaviiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident
Eats: Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, insects, aquatic plants
Question 8
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 8
Clark's Grebe
Family : Podicipedidae
Order: Podicipediformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident
Eats: Fish, shrimp, crabs, marine worms and insects
Question 9
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 9
Family; Anatidae
Order: Anseriformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident
Eats: Mollusks, crustaceans, insect larvae
Question 10
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Answer 10
Ring-billed Gull
Family: Laridae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident
Eats: insects, larvae, invertebrates, garbage
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Glaucous-Winged Gull
Family: Laridae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident
Eats: Scavenger, fishes, invertebrates, eggs
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Black-bellied Plover
Family: Charadriidae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor
Eats: Small crabs, small molluscs, marine worms, insects
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Famly: Scolopacidae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor
Eats: Crabs, marine molluscs, insects
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Marbled Godwit
Family: Scolopacidae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor
Eats: Molluscs, crustaceans, worms
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Family: Scolopacidae
Order: Charadriiformes
Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor
Eats: small crabs, molluscs, fishes, insects