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What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Double-Crested Cormorant Family: Phalacrocoracidae Order: Pelecaniformes Habitat: Permanent resident of shoreline/aquatic habitat. Eats: Fish, crustaceans, amphibians, aquatic insects Pg: 53 |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Great Blue Heron Family: Ardeidae Order: Ciconiiformes Habitat: Permanent resident of shoreline/aquatic habitat. Eats: Fish, Amphibians, snakes, small mammals, Crustaceans, insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
American Coot Family: Rallidae Order: Gruiformes Habitat: Permanent resident of shoreline/aquatic habitat. Eats: Leaves, fronds, seeds, roots, small fish, tadpoles, snails, insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Forster's Tern Family: Laridae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Permanent resident Eats: Fish, insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Belted Kingfisher Family: Alcedinidae Order: Coraciiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Permanent resident Eats: Fish, crustaceans, amphibians, lizards, insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Brown Pelican Family: Pelecanidae Order: Pelecaniformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Summer, fall, and winter resident Eats: Fish, small crustaceans |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Common Loon Family: Gaviidae Order: Gaviiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident Eats: Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, insects, aquatic plants |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Clark's Grebe Family : Podicipedidae Order: Podicipediformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident Eats: Fish, shrimp, crabs, marine worms and insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Bufflehead Family; Anatidae Order: Anseriformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident Eats: Mollusks, crustaceans, insect larvae |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species? |
Ring-billed Gull Family: Laridae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident Eats: insects, larvae, invertebrates, garbage |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Glaucous-Winged Gull
Family: Laridae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Winter Resident Eats: Scavenger, fishes, invertebrates, eggs |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Black-bellied Plover
Family: Charadriidae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor Eats: Small crabs, small molluscs, marine worms, insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Famly: Scolopacidae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor Eats: Crabs, marine molluscs, insects |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Marbled Godwit
Family: Scolopacidae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor Eats: Molluscs, crustaceans, worms |
What is the name, family, order, range, habitat, and food of this species?
Family: Scolopacidae Order: Charadriiformes Here: shoreline/aquatic habitat. Migrant Visitor Eats: small crabs, molluscs, fishes, insects |