Biomedical Ethics Chapter 1 Test

Test 1

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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The belief that R/W always depends on a point of view, individual or cultural.
The belief that morality is only in the mind. Feeling not fact
The belief that morality is only a power- play.
Not doing harm
Doing good.
The harm principle
Liberty is limited to prevent harm to others
The offense principle
Liberty is limited to prevent offense to others.
Liberty is limited to prevent immorality
Extreme paternalism
Liberty is limited to benefit someone
Legal moralism
Liberty is limited to prevent immorality
The social welfare principle
Someone's liberty is limited to bring about a public benefit
Distributive Justice
The matter of how to fairly divide up the goods and the responsibilities of society.
Libertarian concept of justice
The fair thing is to give each person freedom to pursue his or her own welfare, without interference, and without the burden of being obligated to meet the needs of others.
Egalitarian view of justice
The fair thing is to make sure that everyone has what he or she needs, and to minimize inequalities in all the important areas of life.
Moral relativism
Morality is not objective, but relative.