Biology Evolution & Population Genetics Flashcards

This flashcard quiz consists of every essential detail related to Biology, Evolution & Population Genetics. A set of flashcards has all the necessary information and words linked to Biology, Evolution & Population Genetics. 

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Define evolution
Species change over time and new species arise by the modification of earlier species
Who believed in essentialism and what characterizes essentialism
Plato and Aristotle;

-God created all things
-all things have a constant, perfect "essence" (an "ideal form")
-variation is an imperfect reflection of the inner essence
-no potential life was left unrealized
Who created the ScalA NaturAE (the "scale of nature") and what characterizes the scale of nature
-all living things are fixed in a linear hierarchy
-no empty "links" or "rungs" in the theoretical ladder
-implies that species don't/can't/shouldn't change
What are natural theologians
Those who are involved in the study of nature to better understand God's plan
Describe Carolus Linnaeus
-sought to discover order in and classify the diversity of life to better understand God's plan
-species divinely created as prefect at the same time (6000 years ago ~Biblical creation)
-created a nested classification system: each type of organism has a 2-part binomial name consisting of its genus and species
What did George Curvier do
-made discoveries in paleontology
-fossils organisms in closer (MORE RECENT) layers are similar yet different
-fossil organisms in far-apart layers are less similar
-many species in older layers (LOWER) don't exist today
Describe Catastrophism
-proponents (Curvier) usually accepted a divine creation
-believed in a relatively young age for the Earth
-the fossil record reflects extinctions due to sporadic catastrophes
What is Geologic gradualism and who was a proponent of it?
- James Hutton was a proponent
-geologic features arise by slow gradual processes over long periods of time (not catastrophically)
-slow continuous process like erosion and sedimentation can lead to even profound change- like the Grand Canyon, etc.
What is uniformitarianism and who was a proponent of it?
-Charles Lyell
-Mechanisms of geologic change are constant over time
-the same processes are operating today as in the past
-therefore: the Earth must be very old to have accumulated all the changes evident in the geological records
Describe Buffon
-comparative anatomist
-suggested similar species could be descended from common ancestors
-looked at similarity among limb bones of different species that were used for different purposes and proposed that their similarity reflected shared ancestry (we call these homologous structures)
-e.g. same bone elements and arrangements in vertebrates suggest same evolutionary and developmental origin despite different functions
Describe Jean Baptiste Lamarck
-said species evolve by gradually changing to adapt to their changing environment
What was Lamarck's hypothesis regarding evolution
"use and disuse" hypothesis
-if used organs become stronger, if not they deteriorate and eventually disappear
-use/disuse is dictated by demands of the environment: individuals change in response to their environment
-believed in inheritance of acquired characteristics
What were the prevailing views on the Earth in the early 1800s
-age of Earth now believed to be in the range of millions
-close similarities between different groups or organisms had been documented by palaeontologists, comparative anatomists and embryologist
-many naturalist and geologist accepted the fossil record for what it was- a demonstration of the changing nature of life on earth. species appeared and disappeared at different times in history
Describe the early life of Charles Darwin
-born 1809, English middle class
-dropped out of Edinburgh Medical School
-attended Cambridge to become a minister and a naturalist
-1831, he became an unpaid naturalist on 5-year voyage of the HMS Beagle
Describe what Darwin did on his 5-year voyage
-he observed organisms on same continent more similar than ones at eh same latitude on different continents
-he saw a correlation between locations and similarity (this suggested a common ancestry)