Biology Chapter 34: Vertebrates

End of chapter 34 only

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Tetrapod characteristics
- limbs with feet and digits- separate head from neck and body- pharyngeal slits form ears and glands- some remained aquatic- fossil evidence of origins of tetrapods during Devonian and Carboniferous period
Amphibians (salamanders, frogs and caecilians)
- live in and out of water- moist skin for gas exchange- primitive lungs, sac without chambers- external fertilization, requires water- eggs resemble fish's-go through metamorphosis: absorb tail, shell gills, arm buds full of stem cells
Order Urodela
Order Anura
Order Apoda
Caecilians (legless and blind)
- reptiles, mammals and birds- evolved 370 mya- functional rib cage- named for egg- classified by holes in skull
Amniotic egg
Have 4 specialized extra embryonic membranes-amnion, chorion, yolk sac, allantois
Shock absorber membrane
Gas exchange membrane
Yolk sac
Provides nutrients for embryo
Waste storage membrane
Pores for gas exchange and protects embryo
What is the advantage for having amniotic eggs?
Allows a wider range of terrestrial habitats
What is the advantage for having a functional rib cage?
Increases efficiency and supports organs and muscles for breathing