Describe the Following Evolution of Population Flashcards

Here is the flashcard quiz based on Describing the Following Evolution of Population in the form of flashcard quizzes. Attempt these flashcard quizzes and increase your knowledge to become a master of it. Learn key terms, functions, and much more related to the Evolution of Population with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

57 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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In genetic terms, what indicates that evolution is occurring in a population?
Any change in the relative frequency of alleles in a population.
What two processes can lead to inherited variation in populations?
Gene shuffling and Mutations
How does the range of phenotypes differ between single-gene traits and polygenic traits?
There are only 2 phenotypes in a single-gene trait because the trait is controlled by a single gene with 2 alles.
What is a gene pool and how are alle frequencies related to gene pools?
A gene pool is all genes present in a population, including all the different alleles.
How does mutation affect genetic variation?
It may affect an organisms fitness or ability to survive and reproduce in its environment.
Any change in the relative frequency of alleles in a population is called
A gene pool consist of all the genes in a(an)
The two main sources of genetic variation are gene shuffling and ....
A random change in allele frequency is called
Genetic drift
When birds cannot interbreed because they have different mating songs, they are characterized by ___________ isolation
Reproductive isolation.
A situation in which allele frequencies change as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population is known as the
Research of Galapagos finches by Peter and Rosemary Grant showed that a type of natural selection called ___________ selection was occurring.
Two related species that live in the same area but mate during different seasons are...
Mendel’s work on inheritance was published after Darwin’s lifetime. (true/false)
False (its importance just wasn't recognized during Darwin's lifetime)
Which of two important factors was Darwin able to explain without an understanding of heredity?
How heritable trist pass generation to generation and variation in hertiable traits.