Biology 190A Lab Midterm Flashcards

Flashcards Quiz based on the concept of Biology 190A Lab Midterm. Important key terms, definitions, Statements, and much more are provided within the flashcard quiz to learn and understand. Try to attempt the Flashcard Quiz and make your learning of solubility easy and smooth with this.

64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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What is the dfference between a dissecting microscope and a compound microscope?
Dissecting microscope used to observe large, opaque odjects and there are three objective lenses to change to higher magnification. a compound mircroscope generally transmitting light is used to observe fine details in small specimes with three different magnifications. (4x, 10x, 40x)
What does a condenser do in a compound microscope?what is the objective on teh microscope?
It focuses the light on the specimen and into the objective the objectives together with teh ocular provide teh final agnified image
What should you remember when drawing
Unlined paper, light pencil, drawing should fill (2/3) of the page, keep drawing slightly to the left, dot do not shade, drawing needs a figure number abd a full descriptive title, label drawing fully, include a scalte bar with calculation on the back of the page.
How should you write a figure titile?
Figure number, genus and species name, type of section (l.s w.m. c.s), part of the organism if applicable (stem, leaf, etc)
What do l.s w.m. and c.s. stand for?
L.s. longitudenal section
w.m. whole mount
c.s. cross section
What is the diamter of the field veiw of the 4x, 10x, and 40x objective lense?
4x is 5mm
10x 2.0mm
40x 0.125mm
How do you calcualte a scale bar for an object with an estimated length of 0.8mm and when the size of your drawing is 120mm?
120mm(drawn = xmm (lenght of scale bar)
0.8mm(actual 0.1 mm (scale bar size represented)

x = (120mm x 0.1mm) = 15mm
Dangers of methylene blue and toluidine blue
methylene: harmful if swallowed, stains, skin irratent
toluidine: harmful of swallowed, inhaled or absorbed, irratate skin
How do you prepare a slide?
When making hand cut specimens use a rasor and drawit across the specimen, float in water and transfer to slide with water drops on it. use appropriate stain. water prevents large bubbles then add coverslip.
What are the four major classes of organic milecules that form the basis of living organisms
Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acid
What is different about carbohydrates and proteins from lipids and nucleic acid?
Carbohydrates nad proteins are large molecules they are polymers and consist of smaller sudunits of small molecules (monomers)
What is a condensation reaction and a hyrolysis reaction?
Condensation reaction is when monomers bond to form a polymer and their is a loss of one water molecule. a hydrolysis is the opposite when the reaction uses water to break down a polymer into monomers .
What is another term for glucose, maltose or a carbohydrate
Monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide
What are the two main storage macromolecules?
Startch in plants adn glysogen in animals
What is a lipid? what is another word for fat? what is a phosphlipid?
A large class of macromolecules. Another word for fat is a triglyceride and phospholipds are the main compnent of cell membranes.