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![]() What is the genus, group and clade of this specimen? What disease does it cause? |
Trypanosoma. A kinetoplastid from the Euglenozoa Clade. -Causes African Sleeping Sickness transmitted by the Tse Tse fly. -Kinetoplastids have one large mitochondria.
![]() What is this and what disease does it cause? What is the clade and what are two common characteristics of this clade? |
Giardia. From the Diplomonadida Clade. -Has 2 equal-sized nuclei and multiple flagella.-Giardiasis can cause severe diarrhea.
![]() Identify this and from what clade. What disease does it cause? Name a common characteristic. |
Dinoflagellete. From the Alveolata Clade. -Causes "Red tide" and the poisoning associated with it is Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. -Has two flagella in groove.
![]() What is it? Group? and Clade? Common characteristic? Is it photoautotroph, heterotroph, or mixotroph? |
Euglena. From the Euglenid Group in the Euglenozoa Clade. -It moves in circles and vibrates caused by one or two flagella-They are mixotroph. In sunlight they are autotroph, but when sunlight is unavailable, they become heterotrophic.
![]() Genus? Group? Clade? What disease does is cause? |
Plasmodium spp. From the Apicomplexan Group in the Alveolata Clade. -The parasite is the small purple dot on the red blood cell. -Causes malaria.
![]() Genus? Group? Clade? What does it use for locomotion? |
Paramecium. From the Ciliate Group in the Alveolata Clade. -Uses cilia for locomotion
![]() Identify this organism, its clade, common characteristics. What are the two main functions of pseudopodia? |
Forams. From the Foraminifera Clade. -Have porous shells (aka Tests) that pseudopodia extend from. -Pseudopodia functions in swimming and feeding.
What is a common characteristic of the Euglenozoa Clade?
Have a spiral or crystalline rod inside flagella.
What is a common characteristic of the Alveolata Clade?
Have membrane-bounded sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma membrane,
![]() Identify this and its clade and common characteristic. |
Radiolarians. From the Radiolaria Clade.-Have delicate, intricately, symmetrical internal skeletons made of silica. -Pseudopodia radiate from the central body.
Identify this and its clade and common characteristic.
Amoeba from the Amoebozoa Clade.-Have lobe or tube-shaped pseudopodia
Identify this example of a cellular slime mold.
Sporangia of Dictyostelium.
What is the function of these stages of the cellular slime mold life cycle?a) Amoeba b) Sporangium
A) When food is depleted, hundreds of amoebas congregate to form a slug-like aggregateb) In favorable conditions, amoebas emerge from the spore coats, cells crawl up the stalk and develop spores.
Identify this example of Plasmodial Slime molds.
Physarum. -Plasmodium is the feeding stage.
Identify this and its clade. What are the cell wall made out of?
Diatoms from the Stramenopila Clade.-Cell walls are made of hydrated silica embedded in an organic matrix,