Biology 103 Exam 2

For the biology test on monday ! 

75 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Which metabolic category best describes Bacteria that act as decomposers?
In a symbiotic relationship between organisms of significantly different sizes, the larger organism is called the _, and the smaller organism is called the_
Host; Symbiont
How are Bacteria and Archaea similar
They both have circular chromosomes
How are Bacteria and Eukarya similar
They both have unbranched hydrocarbons in their cell membranes
How are Archaea similar to Eukaryotes?
They both have histone proteins associated with their DNA
Which of the following is a structure that permits bacterial conjugation to occur
Sex pilus
Not present in all bacteria, this cell covering enables cells that possess it to resist the defenses of host organisms
Which of the following requires ATP to function, and permits some species to respond to taxes (plural or taxis?)
Whats the differences between a gram-negative and a Gram-positive bacteria?
Gram-negative: peptidogylcan layer between an outer and inner membraneGram-Positive: only the inner membrane and peptidoglycan layer
Which two structres play a direct roles in permitting bacteria to adhere to each other, or to other surfaces
1: Capsules 3: fimbriae
Which of the following is the term used to identify the process where genetic material is transferred between bacterial cells via pili?
Which of the following is the term used to identify the process ofthe movement of genes between bacteria by bacteriophages?
In a moss, most of the plants that we see are_ and in a fern the most dominant stage is the_
Gametophytes, sporophytes
Which of the following is the term used to identify the process in which a prokaryotic cell can take up and incorporate foreign DNA from the surrounding environment
The_ Represents the sporophyte generation of a conifer, and the_produces gametophytes