Biology 1 - Fall 2011 = Chap 11+12 - PART 1

These chapters are primarily about genetics

116 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The father of genetics was a 19th centutry Austrian monk named ... ?
Gregor Mendel
Mendel had a college background in science and mathematics and a .... ?
Love of gardening
Mendel did his pioneering research with the ... ?
Garden pea
Garden peas were easy to cultivate, had a short generation time, and could be ... ?
Cross-pollinated without difficulty
He studied simple traits such as plant size, pod shape, seed shape, seed color, flower position, ? , and ... ?
Flower color and pod color
Very careful statistical records documented his experiements which credits him as the ... ?
Father of Genetics
Each chromosome is composed of a linear string of genes. The chromosome is analagous to a necklace with the genes as beads. A gene is the basic unit of heredity, a sequence of DNA nucleotides on a chromosome that encodes a polypeptide or ... ?
RNA molecule
The gene for each trait (such as plant size) occurs at an exact spot on the .... ? and is called a ?
Chromosome called a locus
Genes for the same trait that have the same locus on different homologous chromosomes are termed alleles. Total allele pair on a pair of chromosomes = ?
A diploid individual.
Some alleles may be dominant (expressed); others may be recessive (not expressed). In peas, tall plants are dominant over short plants and green pods are ... ?
Dominant over yellow pods.
The dominant allele (gene) is written with a capital letter (T for tall; G for green). A small letter (t for short; g for yellow) is used to ... ?
Represent the recessive allele
Members of a true-breeding (purebred) line are termed homozygous and carry ... ?
Identical alleles on the same locus (TT)
Heterozygous (crossbred hybrid) ubduvudyaks gave different alleles on the same locus (Tt). Heterozygous individuals ... ?
Show the dominant trait.
How does the trait appear?
As its phenotype (outward manifestation).
The actual genetic makeup of the trait is ... ?
Its genotype