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Supergroup Chromoalveolata, Group Alveolata
Have small internal membrane bound cavities under plasma membrane. monophyletic groupd. som photosynthetic, parasitic, heterotrophic
Supergroup Chromoalveolata, Group Alveolata,
Subgroup Dinoflagellata
Autotrophic or mixotropich. fresh and marine phytoplankton. carotenoid pigments in plastids cause water to be red, produces neurotoxin. most have two flagella, cellulose plates of thecae
Supergroup Chromoalveolata, Group Alveolata,
Subgroup Dinoflagellata, what species was looked at?
![]() Peridinium |
Supergroup Chromoalveolata, Group Alveolata, Subgroup Apicomplexa. What species was looked at? what does its lifecycle llok like?
![]() Plasmodium, vector anopholes. looked at blood smear taken from malaria victim. |
Supergroup Chromoalveolata, Group Alveolata, Subgroup Ciliophora. What species?
![]() Paramecium. move by cilia. have macronucleus and several micronuclei, reproduce by binary fission asexually. and sexual reprod. for genetic variation>conjugation |
What does conjugation look like?
![]() Sexual |
What do contractile vacoules of paramecium do?
The expel excess water which prevents them from lysing
Where do food vacoules of paramecium develop?
Near lysosomes and on the curve so that food is directed to its mouth at the base of the oral groove. undigested material is expelled out anal pore.
Supergroup Chromalveolata, Group Stramenopila,
-"pila" hair-like projections.
Supergroup Chromalveolata, Group Stramenopila,
Subgroup Bacillariophyta (diatioms)
Most numerous phytoplankton. cell wall has two valves made of silica. form diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth uses?
Tooth paste, facial scrub - silica
Supergroup Chromalveolata, Group Stramenopila,
Subgroup Phaeophyta (brown algae)
Most complex protists. large bull kelp (Nereocystis) have holdfast, stipe, blades
Supergroup Chromalveolata, Group Stramenopila, Subgroup Oomycota (water moulds). How are they similar and different to fungi?
Important decomposers. Saprolegnia ferax. (1)
water mouls have multinucleate filaments (hyphae) that resemble fungi hypahe. (2) heterotrophs (3) molds have centrioles and cellulose and flagella - fungi have chitin
What protists move using pseudopodia?
Foraminferans, radiolarions and amoebozoans
Supergroup Rhizaria, Group forminifera.
Marine, shelled protists. have thin pseodopodia extend from pores (forams). Shells (tests) are multi-chambered contain calcium carbonate. form marine deposits. snail like